ISQL - Firebird Interactive SQL Tool
ISQL is a command-line tool for interactive SQL access to databases. It can also be used to perform administrative tasks in command-line environments (like (metadata) updates via a batch file).
General Syntax
isql <options> [<database>]
isql -?
-a(ll) | Extract metadata incl. legacy non-SQL tables |
-b(ail) | Bail on errors (set bail on) |
-c(ache) <num> | Number of cache buffers |
-ch(arset) <charset> | Connection Character Set (set names) |
-d(atabase) <database> | Database name to put in script creation |
-e(cho) | Echo commands (set echo on) |
-ex(tract) | Extract metadata |
-i(nput) <filename> | Process SQL script file (set input) |
-m(erge) | Merge standard error |
-m2 | Merge diagnostic |
-n(oautocommit) | No autocommit DDL (set autoddl off) |
-now(arnings) | Do not show warnings |
-o(utput) <filename> | Output file (set output) |
-pag(elength) <size> | Page Length |
-p(assword) <password> | Connection Password |
-q(uiet) | Do not show the message "Use CONNECT..." |
-r(ole) <role> | Role Name |
-r2 <role> | Role (uses quoted identifier) |
-s(qldialect) <dialect> | SQL Dialect (set sql dialect) |
-t(erminator) <term> | Command Terminator (set term) |
-u(ser) <user> | User Name |
-x | Extract Metadata |
-z | Show Program and Server Version |
Interactive Mode
ISQL enters an interactive mode. Command lines start with a SQL> prompt, continuing lines with a CON> prompt.
NOTE that every command has to be terminated by a semi-colon (;).
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> connect elias:apqp user sysdba password masterkey;
Database: elias:apqp, User: sysdba
SQL> _
You can now enter DDL, DML or special ISQL commands.
You can also specify the database directly in the isql call:
C:ProgrammeFirebird2bin>isql -user SYSDBA -password masterkey elias:apqp
Database: elias:apqp, User: SYSDBA
SQL> exit;
ISQL Commands
You can get a list of commands by calling the HELP; command.
BLOBDUMP <blobid> <file> | Dump BLOB to a file |
BLOBVIEW <blobid> | View BLOB in text editor |
EDIT [<filename>] | Edit SQL script file and execute |
EDIT | Edit current command buffer and execute |
HELP | Display Help |
HELP SET | Display Help for the SET command |
INput <filename> | Take input from the named SQL file |
OUTput [<filename>] | Write output to named file |
OUTput | Return output to stdout |
SET <option> | Set option. Use HELP SET for a complete list |
SHELL <command> | Execute Operating System command in sub-shell |
SHOW <object> [<name>] | Display system information on a database object. <object> can be: CHECK, DATABASE, DOMAIN, EXCEPTION, FILTER, FUNCTION, GENERATOR,GRANT, INDEX, PROCEDURE, ROLE, SQL DIALECT, SYSTEM, TABLE, TRIGGER, VERSION, VIEW |
EXIT | Exit and Commit changes |
QUIT | Exit and Roll back changes |
SET Options
There are several options that influence the behaviour of ISQL (this list can be retrieved by calling HELP SET;)
SET | Display current SET options |
SET AUTOddl | Toggle autocommit of DDL statements |
SET BAIL | Toggle bailing out on errors in non-interactive mode |
SET BLOB [ALL|<n>] | Display BLOBS of subtype <n> or ALL |
SET BLOB | Turn off BLOB display |
SET COUNT | Toggle count of selected rows on/off |
SET ECHO | Toggle command echo on/off |
SET HEADING | Toggle display of query column titles |
SET LIST | Toggle column or table display format |
SET NAMES <csname> | Set name of runtime character set |
SET PLAN | Toggle display of query access plan |
SET PLANONLY | Toggle display of query plan without executing |
SET SQL DIALECT <n> | Set SQL Dialect to <n> |
SET STATs | Toggle display of performance statistics |
SET TIME | Toggle display of timestamp with DATE values |
SET TERM <string> | Change statement terminator string |
SET WIDTH <col> [<n>] | Set/unset print width to <n> for column <col> |
By just calling SET without parameters you can get a list of all settings.
SET TERM is special in that it changes the statement termination character. The default statement termination character is a semi-colon. However, if you want to create or alter a Stored Procedure or Trigger, the semi-colons contained in the body would also terminate the command that define the procedure. So to define a stored procedure:
- Use SET TERM to change the statement termination to something that does not occur in your procedure
- Create or alter your Stored Procedure or Trigger
- Terminate this command with the new termination character
- Change the termination character back to a semi-colon using SET TERM
SQL> set term ^ ;
SQL> create procedure Mul (a integer, b integer)
CON> returns (Result integer)
CON> as begin
CON> Result = a * b;
CON> suspend;
CON> end ^
SQL> set term ; ^
Note that the end statement of the procedure is terminated with a caron (^) instead of a semi-colon (;). The caron has been defined as the new termination character by the first SET TERM statement.
Running SQL Scripts
You can run an SQL script by using the -i command line option. To further suppress the "Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database" message that appears everytime when ISQL starts, use the -q option.
C:ProgrammeFirebird2bin>isql -q -i c:ScriptsCreateScript.sql
In this case, the script must contain a CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE command.
Scripts should also use SET NAMES to define the Client Character Set they use.
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