GFIX - Firebird Administration
GFIX is Firebird's command line tool for administration issues like data repair, sweeping, etc.
General Syntax
gfix [options] -user <username> -password <password> <database> [options]
Database Shutdown
When a database has been shut down, only SYSDBA and the database owner are able to connect to the database in order to perform administrative tasks.
-at[tach] <seconds> | Used with the -shut option. Waits <seconds> seconds for all current connections to end. If after <seconds> seconds there are still connections open, the shutdown will be cancelled and return an error. |
-f[orce] <seconds> | Used with the -shut option. Waits <seconds> seconds for all connections and transactions to end. After this time, all connections and transactions are cancelled and the database is shut down. Use with caution. |
-o[nline] | If a -shut operation is pending, it is cancelled. Otherwise, takes a database back online |
-sh[ut] | Shut down database. Must be used together with -attach, -force or -tran |
-shut {normal | multi | | Firebird 2.0 and later: New shutdown modes NORMAL: Database is active and online |
-tr[an] <seconds> | Used with the -shut option. Waits <seconds> seconds for all running transactions to end. If after <seconds> seconds there are still running transactions, the shutdown will be cancelled. |
Shut down database, wait 60 seconds until all connections are closed
gfix -user SYSDBA -password "masterkey" dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut -attach 60
Note that GFIX will terminate with an error if there are still connections open after 60 seconds.
Shut down database, force shutdown after 60 seconds
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut -force 60
Shut down database, force shutdown NOW
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut -force 0
Put database online again
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -online
Shut down database to single user mode (Firebird 2.0)
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut single -force 60
Put database online again (Firebird 2.0)
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut normal
Shut down database, force shutdown NOW, allow no subsequent connections, even from SYSDBA or Owner (Firebird 2.0)
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut full -force 0
Database Repair, Sweeping
-f[ull] | Use with the -v option. Checks all records and pages and releases unassigned record fragments |
-h[ousekeeping] 0 | Switch off automatic sweeping |
-h[ousekeeping] <n> | Set Sweep Interval to <n> transactions (default is 20000) |
-i[gnore] | Ignores checksum errors during a validate or sweep |
-m[end] | Marks corrupt records as unavailable so they are skipped on a subsequent backup |
-n[o_update] | Use with the -v option. Checks all records and pages and reports errors but does not repair them |
-s[weep] | Forces an immediate sweep |
-v[alidate] | Check database for validity. At the same time, errors are reported and repaired |
Validate Database
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -v -f
Sweep Database now
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -s
Set Sweep Interval to 50000 transactions
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -h 50000
Switch off Automatic Sweeping
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -h 0
-b[uffers] <pages> | Default cache buffers for the database will be set to <pages> pages |
-c[ommit] <id> | Commits limbo transaction specified by the given <id> |
-c[ommit] all | Commits all limbo transactions |
-l[ist] | Display IDs of all limbo transactions and what would happen to each transaction if you would use -t on it |
-mo[de] read_write | Set mode of database to read/write (default). Requires exclusive access to database (shutdown) |
-mo[de] read_only | Set mode of database to read-only. Requires exclusive access to database (shutdown) |
-pa[ssword] <password> | Database password |
-p[rompt] | Use with -l. Prompts for action. |
-r[ollback] <id> | Rolls back limbo transaction specified by the given <id> |
-r[ollback] all | Rolls back all limbo transactions |
-s[ql_dialect] 1 | Sets SQL dialect 1 for the database |
-s[ql_dialect] 3 | Sets SQL dialect 3 for the database |
-t[wo_phase] <id> | Performs automated two-phase recovery for limbo transaction with the given <id> |
-t[wo_phase] all | Performs automated two-phase recovery for all limbo transactions |
-user <name> | Database username |
-w[rite] sync | Enables Forced Writes |
-w[rite] async | Disabled Forced Writes |
-z | Show GFIX and server version |
Set Database to Read-Only
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut -attach 60
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -shut -force 0
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -mode read_only
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -online
Set Database to SQL Dialect 3
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -sql_dialect 3
Enable Forced Writes
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -write sync
Disable Forced Writes
gfix -user SYSDBA -password masterkey dbserver:/db/mydb.fdb -write async
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